


Website & Ecommerce


Website & Ecommerce


Website & Ecommerce


Website & Ecommerce

Who is Aurora50?

Aurora50 is a unique thinktank platform that brings together the different perspectives of creative males and females about various topics to help build a balanced point of view and support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality.

How did Social Station help?

With Aurora, we had the tightest deadline ever in our company history. We got the website up and running in record time. That website came along with a campaign for Twitter that our team managed.

Social Media Marketing

Social Station started the campaign on Twitter to reach a wider audience, engage the stakeholders, and engage the audience in an expansive discussion about diversity in the workplace.

Our team had to be sensitive with their content and quick with their responses because the conference’s participants were among the most prominent characters in government and the business world. The real-time written content was delivered fast and accurately to keep up with countless discussions on diversity.

Website Design & Development

Our mission was to tackle the website. That was why we built a brand-new website that would fit Aurora50’s requirements and elevate the organisation’s stature. The pages were redesigned according to Aurora’s brand identity and optimized for best performance on both mobile and desktop devices.

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