
Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Who is Dr. Tareq Rasheed?

Dr. Tareq Rasheed is a Dubai-based international consultant, trainer, and certified business coach associated with the UN training centre, specialising in change management (CM), leadership, and organisational development. He trains, coaches, and empowers leaders and organisations to achieve their goals. He is certified in change management (CM), project management (PMI), and value management (SAVE International). His expertise also extends to quality, risk, and crisis management. He is associated with renowned organisations such as the United Nations, the University of Dubai, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU), SAVE International, the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC), Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity, and Jordan Engineers Association.

How did Social Station help?

Social Station has elevated Dr. Tareq Rasheed’s online presence by crafting a brand identity that reflects his blend of leadership & change management expertise, business management and coaching. This identity extends from his brand visual elements and website design to the tone of voice used across his website We’ve built a user-friendly website showcasing his achievements, highlighting his services, and offering the chance for potential clients and partners to connect with him.


We have created a brand identity that seamlessly unites Dr. Tareq Rasheed’s expertise in change management and business consultancy and coaching. His logo, featuring his name in both Arabic and English against a calming blue background evokes a sense of trust, security, and stability – qualities essential in leadership and management This unified brand identity ensures a consistent and impactful experience for targeted audiences.


Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Website Design & Development

Our team has created a user-oriented website that blends design with functionality to empower, inform, and engage visitors. It showcases Dr. Tareq Rasheed’s value in change management, business consultancy, and coaching. We made it easy to navigate showcasing his services and valuable achievements with a clear layout and intuitive menus, ensuring a smooth experience for all. By combining informative content with clear calls to action, the website attracts new clients, solidifies his expertise, and fosters connections.


Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media

Dr. Tareq Rasheed

Branding | Website & Ecommerce | Social Media




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