
The Middle East Watch & Jewellery – 52nd Edition

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

Who is The Middle East Watch & Jewellery – 52nd Edition?

The Middle East Watch and Jewellery Show stands as a bi-annual exhibition, showcasing the epitome of craftsmanship in watches, exquisite jewellery, gold, diamonds, and rare gemstones. In collaboration with the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it unites the most prominent designs in the industry.

How did Social Station help?

Our partnership with the Middle East Watch and Jewellery Show for their highly-anticipated 52nd campaign was immensely fulfilling. Following the successful execution of their 50th and 51st editions, we aimed to elevate the 52nd edition to a new level of distinction and luxury. Centred around the European theme, we orchestrated an array of marketing initiatives to amplify their visibility and influence. Embracing innovation, we integrated the prowess of AI in crafting the European model for this edition.

Social Media Marketing

Our team utilised AI’s capabilities to create the European model, which served as the centrepiece for this edition. Our suite of creatives exuded precision and sophistication, showcasing the grandest designs reflective of the event’s opulence, defining their brand. Each piece was meticulously crafted to captivate the audience amidst the luxurious market.


The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Harnessing the potential of Google Search Ads (PPC) and META Ads, we amplified the campaign’s reach, effectively engaging the right audience for heightened awareness. Leveraging enticing prizes such as 1KG Gold, a Brand New Car, and iPhone contest in our ads, we garnered rapid traction and extensive attention.

Media Production for Digital

While our digital strategies were robust & comprehensive already, we still acknowledged the unmatched impact of Outdoor Advertising (OOH), especially here in the UAE. Our striking billboards displayed captivating artwork, brightening the urban landscape and effectively engaging audiences, ensuring increased visibility and engagement.


The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

The Middle East Watch & Jewellery - 52nd Edition

Social Media | Media Production for Digital | Digital Marketing

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